Innovation Day

Empowering the Next Wave

Come and join us at the largest Chilean innovation event outside the country!


JOIN US in the largest Chilean innovation event outside the country!

Our annual summit, held in Boston, brings together the brightest minds from Latin America and the US to ignite groundbreaking ideas.

ChileMass Innovation Day invites us to actively prepare and embrace the current tumultuous waters of innovation and change. We will reflect on our role in shaping this new wave of innovation at global, national, community, and personal levels on topics like geopolitics and organizations, renewing capitalism, lifelong learning, the AI imperative, enhancing human capabilities and others.

This two-day event is divided into four main blocks of activities:



ChileMass Talks MIT
Samberg Conference Center
7:30 am-1:30 pm

  • “Navigating Geopolitics: the role of technology and government collaboration” by José Miguel Benavente, Executive Vice President of CORFO, and Jacob Shapiro, Partner & Director of Geopolitical Analysis at Cognitive Investment.
  • “Renewing Capitalism Inspired by Complex Systems” by Jeannette Von Wolfersdorff, Economist and author of “Capitalism” and John Fullerton, Economist, investor, author of Regenerative Capitalism and Founder and President of Capital Institute.
  • “The AI imperative: why act now” by Daniel Araya, Head of Digital Natives Companies at Google.
  • “Biomechatronics: Enhancing Human Capabilities” by Daniela García, Physiatrist at Teletón and author of “Elegí vivir”, and Juan Luis Moreno, CEO at ACHS.
  • “Empowering Minds with Lifelong Learning and 21st Century Skills”
  • “ChileMass Award Ceremony·. A tribute to the Chilean individuals or organizations who have been instrumental in fostering collaboration between Chile and the United States. This year will be presented to Corfo and posthumously to former President Sebastián Piñera.

Boston Sunset
(by invitation only) MIT Museum
6:00-9:00 pm

Join us for a memorable evening of networking and celebration as we embark on the MIT Museum with industry leaders, colleagues, and friends. Enjoy the museum’s collection, an icon in innovation while enjoying presentations from leaders like:

  • Ambassador of Chile Juan Gabriel Valdés.
    Martín Andrade, City Lab BioBío.
  • MIT Media Lab/ City Lab Biobio.
  • Jorge Nazer, CEO ALTO.
  • Francisco Aboitiz, neuroscientist Universidad Catolica.


Down to Earth
MassChallenge- Seaport District
9:00 am-2:00 pm

Workshop (Activity in Spanish) Activity led by Juan Sebastián Montes, PhD. Associate Professor of Strategy at the Carroll School of Management, Boston College.

Inspired by the talks on Wednesday, come to discuss specific issues that affects Chilean reality, exchanging ideas and brainstorming possible collaborative solutions in round tables led by experts.

Tables of 8 to 10 people each, grouped into 5 thematic areas:

  • Business.
  • Education.
  • Sustainability.
  • Health.
  • Technology.

Chile Night at Venture Cafe
Cambridge Innovation Center
4:30-8:00 pm

Boston’s innovation scene. Mingle with over 500 like-minded professionals in a vibrant atmosphere. Savor the exquisite flavors of Chilean wine and delectable food while you network and discover groundbreaking ideas.
Pitch feedback session with 10 amazing startups. from Chile before an expert panel. Startups: Buho, ByBug, Candel, Comiuniti, FORESTA.IO, Miss Berni, Nabu Health, Relier, Soquimat, SubCargo.
Chilean band.
Buho: A platform that allows people to buy each medication from the cheapest pharmacy in one place and have it delivered right to your doorstep.
ByBug: A pioneer in synthetic biology, developing a leading sustainability platform for the production of recombinant proteins using insects.
Candel: Develops and manufactures medical devices for neurological rehabilitation via electrical neuromodulation, a cutting-edge therapy on an international level.
Comiuniti: A platform that empowers the school community to communicate daily in a simple, organized, and efficient way, enhancing the experience and strengthening the bond.
FORESTA.IO: Generates optimized productive plans with the ability to react in real time, using artificial intelligence, to create value in productive companies.
Miss Berni: A startup that seeks to enrich teachers’ careers by offering them better professional and personal opportunities.
Nabu Health: A platform that streamlines patient selection for clinical studies through physicians, using artificial intelligence (LLMs).
Relier: Develops innovative and sustainable solutions for environmental and agricultural challenges, offering eco-friendly packaging alternatives that promote sustainable and resilient practices.
Soquimat: Develops sustainable biomaterials, like paint additives, by optimizing natural resources, recycling industrial waste, and applying nanotechnology.
SubCargo: A platform that connects cargo-generating companies with the most suitable carrier, functioning as a digital logistics operator.


Innovation Week

This event is part of a full week of innovation, featuring an immersion into Boston’s innovation ecosystem. Participants could opt to enjoy exclusive visits to top-tier universities and companies, engage in discussions and presentations for small groups, and more. If you are interested in knowing more about these activities, contact us at:

download Brochure


ChileMass has partnerships with hotels in Boston to offer special rates for this event attendees. At the webpage www. you can download a document with the details. We recommend booking your hotel in advance as spaces are limited at each hotel. *For those coming from Chile or outside of Boston, we recommend arriving no later than Tuesday, October 8, and leaving Boston no earlier than Friday, October 11, so that you can take full advantage of the two days of events and networking opportunities.

download Accomodations

Preguntas Frecuentes Innovation Day

What is it?

The largest Chilean innovation event held outside the country, organized by ChileMass. It is a two-day event featuring various activities, including talks by international experts, roundtable discussions, and networking activities, all focused on cutting-edge topics in technology and innovation. All activities are conducted in English, except for the Down to Earth session (roundtable discussions) held on the morning of October 10th.

The event will take place on October 9th and 10th, 2024, in Boston, United States. Event activities will be held at key locations in Boston’s innovation ecosystem, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the MIT Museum, the MassChallenge accelerator, and the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC).

Everyone interested in innovation topics can participate in this event! Whether you own or manage a company or startup, are an investor, work in academia or a public institution, civil organization, or are a student, you’ll find discussions of interest and make valuable connections at our event.

ChileMass Innovation Day is the meeting point for all involved in Latin American and U.S. innovation ecosystems. Attending this event will give you insights into the latest technological advancements and innovation trends across various themes; opportunities to discuss ideas with other attendees to generate collaborative projects; connections with key figures from Chile and the U.S. to achieve your goals; find out investment opportunities or business deals with startups or projects presented during the event, and much more!

Access to activities scheduled for each day of the event (excluding activities specified as “by invitation only”). The ticket does NOT include airfare, accommodation in Boston, meals, transportation, visa processing. These costs must be covered by each attendee.

ChileMass has partnerships with some hotels in Boston to offer event attendees better rates during their stay. Here you can download the document detailing the current agreements. We recommend booking your hotel in advance as spaces are limited at each hotel

ChileMass has developed an exclusive program of activities from October 7th to 11th for attendees who wish to complement their participation in the event with innovation tours on various themes. This program, called Innovation Week, has only 35 spots available and costs USD 1,500 per person. For more information, please email us at

The Chile Massachusetts Alliance (ChileMass) is a non-profit organization based in Boston that catalyzes innovation between Chile and Massachusetts. With support from both the governments of Chile and Massachusetts, we connect businesses, startups, academia, investors, and civil organizations to develop various collaboration programs, projects, and partnerships.

Past editions

Past Speakers

Accordion Panel

Dava Newman, MIT Media Lab.

Kent Larson, MIT Media Lab.

Bernardo Larraín, Colbún/CMPC

Roberto Alvo, Latam Airlines

Katie Stebbins, Tufts Food Innovation Institute

Eduardo Bitrán, UAI/Codelco

Axel Christensen, BlackRock

Roberto Rigobon, MIT

Libby Wayman, Breakthrough Energy Ventures

David Capodilupo, MIT Global Programs

Carmen Contreras, Startup Chile

Siobhan Dullea, Innovate@BU

Fernando Suarez, Northeastern University

Beverly Woolf, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Forest Reinhart, Harvard University

Onur Yüce Gün, New Balance

Felipe Sierra, Hevolution Foundation

Marcelo Reynal, Google

Juan Gabriel Valdés, Embajada Chile

Josefa Monge- Sistema B Chile

Manolis Kellis, MIT Computational Biology Group

Nicolas Shea, Cumplo

Fady Saad, MassRobotics

Brian Walsh, Copec Wind Ventures

Daniel Goldman, Clean Energy Ventures

Claudio Seebach, Generadoras de Chile

Luke Winston, Formlabs

Petar Ostojic, Neptuno Pumps

Mark Vasu, Greentown Labs

Warren Adams, Two Degrees Innovation Lab

Philippe Prochasson, Motif  Foodworks

Adam Behrens, Mori

Joseph Vecchiolla, Triumph Modular

Stephanie Soetendal, Matrix Holograms

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